Japanese Used Cars for Sale
Total Cars in Stock: 1314
+81 6 6445-3361
JST: 11:02 PM

About Us

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Inspection Before Buying

With our 100 % Trained inspection team, we ensure to buy only quality cars that meets the requirement of customer and Country Policies. Their duty is to inspect each and every part of the car like Engine, Transmission and other electrical systems with latest technology and scanning machines.
All the vehicles are rechecked and cleaned before sending for shipment so that the customers receive them in good condition.



Kansai Group has variety of Buyers for Specific Regions who are deployed in all major Auction Houses so that they can purchase best quality Vehicles and inspect them properly before we purchase them.


Yard Staff

Our Yard Staff provide assistance to fix the minor defects and update the cars as per customer requirement.


Sales Staff

Our multinational Sales team engage our Values Customers to provide them best services 24/7 globally so they can purchase quality cars with us. They are well trained and have 100 % knowledge of their assigned Markets.


Shipping Department

We have the best shipping department who performs all the shipping on time without any delays.


Document Department

From Getting documents from Auction House to our Osaka Office and to Dispatched them from Osaka Office to Customer, Our Document Department perform their duties on time and keep our customers Happy.


Customer Service Department

Our Csd provides 24/7 Assistance through Live chat, calls and emails to our valued Customer. Contact us at csd@kansaigroup.jp or +81-64-560-4001.
